Can get the binary on this link.
If you're not familiar to IDAPython, read above cheatsheet.
And this is the solution code for this chall.
It was good for training IDAPython.import ida_bytes walk_end = 0x59BE5 eip = walk_end _input = [] _addr = [] _str = [] _need = dict() print("START") cnt = 0 while 1: cnt += 1 if cnt > 1000: break for i in XrefsTo(eip): tmp = i.frm break eip = tmp # call inst prev = prev_head(eip) for i in XrefsTo(prev): tmp = i.frm break _jmp_a = tmp j_prev = prev_head(_jmp_a) # cmp _addr.append(hex(j_prev)) if get_operand_value(j_prev, 1) == 0: data_ins_addr = prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(j_prev))) print(hex(data_ins_addr)) data = get_operand_value(data_ins_addr,1) print(hex(data)) target_value = j_prev - data + 0x100000000 idx = 0 for i in range(40): if target_value == ida_bytes.get_dword(data + 4*i): idx = i break _str.append(chr(idx + get_operand_value(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(prev_head(j_prev))))))))))),1))) else: _str.append(chr(get_operand_value(j_prev, 1))) _need[hex(j_prev)] = chr(get_operand_value(j_prev, 1)) _ft = get_next_func(get_prev_func(eip)) if _ft == 0x625B : break eip = _ft print(_addr) print("".join(_str[::-1]))
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